tiistai 8. maaliskuuta 2011

For Women and their Rights

Does reality shape language, or the other way around? Does the answer to previous question make a difference to how language is related to gender equality? Yes it does.

One way of elaborating could be to read what I have copied below: a unique instance of language organized into incredible, terrible beauty and sense by one of my favorite poets.

"What Language Did" by Eavan Boland

The evening was the same as any other.
I came out and stood on the step.
The suburb was closed in the weather

of an early spring and the shallow tips
of washed-out yellows of narcissi
resisted dusk. And crocuses and snowdrops.

I stood there and felt the melancholy
of growing older in such a season,
when all I could be certain of was simply

in this time of fragrance and refrain,
whatever else might flower before the fruit,
and be renewed, I would not. Not again.

A car splashed by in the twilight.
Peat smoke stayed in the windless
air overhead and I might have missed: 

a presence. Suddenly. In the very place
where I would stand in other dusks, and look
to pick out my child from the distance, 

was a shepherdess, her smile cracked,
her arm injured from the mantelpieces
and pastorals where she posed with her crook.

Then I turned and saw in the spaces
of the night sky constellations appear,
one by one, over roof-tops and houses, 

and Cassiopeia trapped: stabbed where
her thigh met her groin and her hand
her glittering wrist, with the pin-point of a star.

And by the road where rain made standing
pools of water underneath cherry trees,
and blossoms swam on their images, 

was a mermaid with invented tresses,
her breasts printed with the salt of it and all
the desolation of the North Sea in her face.

I went nearer. They were disappearing.
Dusk had turned to night but in the air—
did I imagine it?—a voice was saying: 

This is what language did to us. Here
is the wound, the silence, the wretchedness
of tides and hillsides and stars where

we languish in a grammar of sighs,
in the high-minded search for euphony,
in the midnight rhetoric of poesie.

We cannot sweat here. Our skin is icy.
We cannot breed here. Our wombs are empty.
Help us to escape youth and beauty.

Write us out of the poem. Make us human
in cadences of change and mortal pain
and words we can grow old and die in.

I could think about this poem for days without sleep. With it, I am wishing a great and hopeful international Women's Rights Day to everyone, irrespective of gender!

A few more, for those who felt what I feel.

torstai 3. maaliskuuta 2011

It's Terrible, Love

Kestipä jälleen radiohiljaisuutta. Tämä saattaa hyvinkin olla toistaiseksi voimassaoleva ilmiö, sillä eräs keskisuuri akateeminen ponnistus vie tällä hetkellä kaiken huomioni, aivokapasiteettini, aikanikin.

Melkeinpä harmittaa sitäpaitsi viime kuukausina julkaistujen tekstien tietty tyhjänpäiväisyys - odotan oikein motivoituneena aikoja, jolloin ehtisin hieman miettiä näitä blogiin istuvia aiheita hieman syvemmin ja analyyttisemmalla otteella. Kivojen juttujen listaus toimii ehkä muotiblogeissa, mutta näitä matalaluotaavia "Olipas kiva kirja - kannattaa lukea!" -tuotoksia en lukisi pitkään itsekään.

Noita parempia aikoja odotellessa, sallikaa minun sittenkin tässä aivan vailla analyysia jakaa vielä kaksi hienoa kokemusta. Yksi mennyt, yksi vauhdilla - vihdoin - lähestyvä:

Joann Sfarin (mikä pettymys, hän olikin mies) elokuva Gainsbourg - Vie Héroïque on - etenkin taiteilijan lapsuuteen ja nuoruuteen sijoittuvilta osiltaan - tosi miellyttävä elämys.

Tänään ja huomenna Helsingin Kulttuuritalolla konsertoiva, tähteyteen vaivihkaa noussut The National on aina, kaikissa muodoissa, niin ikään miellyttävä elämys. Osanottoni teille jotka jäitte lipuitta - onneksi Ruisrockissa on mahdollisuus korjata tilanne. Yllättävän hyvin sopivat telttalavalle ainakin Alligatorin ja Boxerin biisit kesällä 2008. Kumpaan tahansa keikkaan voi orientoitua katsomalla ylläolevan dokumentaarivideon hienolle (joskin jo vähän inflaatiosta kärsineelle) biisille "Terrible Love".

Muutaman tunnin kuluttua pääsen toivottavasti hyräilemään (itselleni ja em. ponnistuksilleni, tietty) näitäkin värssyjä.

Your mind is racing like a pro, now
oh my god it doesn't mean a lot to you
one time you were a glowing young ruffian
oh my god it was a million years ago...

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